Designer, and Senior Research
The École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs
David Bihanic is a Designer, an Associate Professor at the University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne (Permanent Researcher at ACTE Institute — EA 7539), and a Senior Research Fellow at “The École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs”. He published several books and book chapters, as well as numerous scientific articles relating to the contemporary stakes and challenges of Design. Several of them deals in particular with the interaction and cross-pollination between Urban Planning, Architecture and Design Sciences.
In his current research (bringing together practice and theory), he examines aesthetic, epistemological, and praxeological constraints as well as determinations of Design Practice in its collaboration/cooperation with Engineering Sciences, as well as in his relation to architecture. As a Data Design specialist, he examines the different paradigms of visualization and manipulation of large and complex datasets, and creates idiomatic visual formalisms offering greater ‘expressiveness’ of information.
His last books are Matrices cowritten with Matali Crasset (Presses du réel/Athom, 2023 — In French only) ; Marcel Lods. Éduquer à l’architecture moderne (Athom, 2022 — In French only) ; Empavillonner (Athom, 2021 — In French only) ; staatliche bauhaus cent pour cent 1919-2019 (T&P Publishing, 2019 — In French only) ; Design en regards (Art Book Magazine, EnsAD, La Cité du design, 2019 — In French only) ; Data Design. Les données comme matériau de création (Gallimard/Alternatives, 2018 — In French only) ; New Challenges for Data Design (Springer, 2015) ; Empowering Users through Design. Interdisciplinary Studies and Combined Approaches for Technological Products and Services (Springer, 2015).