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O EIMAD é um evento dedicado à discussão científica nas áreas do Design e da Música. Tem revisão paritária cega (peer blind review).


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1. Select the type of participation

Attendance to the conference is subject to seat availability and requires registration.
Please identify your participation category and register to EIMAD.

The publication and presentation of approved papers requires the registration of at least one author of the paper.
The registration of one author entitles the author to present an oral presentation of a single paper, guaranteeing its publication in a proceedings book associated with the conference and participation in the EIMAD scientific programme (participation in the cultural programme is optional).
In the case of papers with more than one author, both of whom are attending EIMAD, the second and other authors must register equally (they will be entitled to a certificate of participation and paper presentation), paying 50 per cent of the fee in the Author A category.
Authors of articles not participating in EIMAD are not required to register (they are not entitled to a certificate of participation or article presentation).
The publication of an extra paper implies the registration of an additional author or the payment of 50 per cent of the Author A category fee (charged for each extra paper).

2. Make payment

Make payment according to the participation category, by bank transfer, using the following data, to the Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco:

Name: Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
IBAN: PT50078101120000000299122
Bank: Instituto de Gestão da Tesouraria e do Crédito Público, Ip.

The EIMAD registration is only valid after receipt of the proof of payment and when the payment is confirmed by our university treasury.

More info:
Paula Gonçalves
Tel. +351 272 340 800

3. Form, proof of payment and submission

To complete your registration you must fill in the registration form.
Send proof of payment (proof of bank transfer) and valid proof of student status (if applicable) by the next day that the bank transfer is made, as well as the data for issuing the invoice (Name, NIF, Address and contact) to the email address: paulagoncalves@ipcb.pt


Check the category of interest that best suits your participation in EIMAD.


 Up to February 19, 2024

 After February 20, 2024

Author A
(Professor / Researcher / PhD Student)¹
150€ 200€
Author B
(Master Student)¹
90€ 120€
Author C
(Member of EIMAD Scientific Commitee Member)¹
150€ 160€
Audience 60€ 65€

Note¹: The author must prove his/her status.

Notice: Groups of students larger than ten should contact the organization to find out the conditions offered


Certificates of Assistance and Presentation will be sent by email to each registrant.


Registration closed