About the Cultural Day
Part of the Tagus River integrates the International Tagus Natural Park, containing valleys bordering the rivers Ponsul and Erges, and the Aravil stream, as well as its affluents, characterized by steep slopes, with frequent rocky outcrops and covered by rich and diverse Mediterranean scrubland.
The landscape is, in general, the result of a relevant humanisation, although it is also relatively diversified, as a result of the characteristics and the response that the natural resources have given throughout this long process of transformation. Nowadays, it is possible to sight several species of Flora, Vegetation and Fauna, standing out as the most important species the black stork ciconia nigra, the golden eagle aquila chrysaetos, the Bonelli’s eagle hieraaetus fasciatus the brocket-eagle neophron percnopterus, the Eagle owl bubo bubo, the Griffon vulture gyps fulvus, the Black Teal oenanthe leucura, the Imperial eagle aquila adalberti and the Black vulture aegypius monachus, visible from the Tagus river crossing.
This tour will include a description in Portuguese/English.
Provisional Program |
Visit to Vila Velha de Ródão |
09H00 | Departure from IPCB (Castelo Branco) |
10H00 |
Visit to King Wamba’s Castel |
10H45 |
Tasting regional food |
11H00 | Visit to ancient olive oil factory (Lagar de Varas) |
12H00 | Archaeological site of Enxarrique |
12H30 | Boat trip along the Tagus River (2h30, with Lunch ¹) |
Note ¹: Lunch includes Entrées, Fish Soup, Stuffed Pork Loin, Dessert, Drinks and Coffees (other food restrictions may be accommodated, with prior notice)