Following previous editions, the 9th EIMAD 2024 aims to bring together researchers and professionals from design, music, and arts, among other specialties to share knowledge and present experiences, processes, and research results.
The call for papers focuses on the relationship between design, music, and the arts with the Sustainable Development Goals, defined by the United Nations General Assembly in Agenda 2030 and the principles of the New European Bauhaus initiative, promoted by the European Commission.
The United Nations 2030 Agenda encompasses several dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic, environmental), promotes peace, justice, and effective institutions.

On the other hand, the New European Bauhaus initiative, aims to stimulate creativity and collaborative multidisciplinary to improve life in society in a sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful way, bringing people closer to the European Green Deal.
We believe in the contribution of research to society, so we aim to provide a robust scientific program that highlights contributions to quality of life, better living, and coexistence, compatible with competitiveness, creativity, and sustainable development (in human, environmental and economic terms).