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O EIMAD é um evento dedicado à discussão científica nas áreas do Design e da Música. Tem revisão paritária cega (peer blind review).


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Investigación y enseñanza en diseño y música Vol. III

Los artículos breves se publican en portugués o español en el libro “Investigación y enseñanza en diseño y música” Vol. III, de la Colección de libros de investigación Convergências, Ediciones IPCB.

Los artículos breves se publican en portugués o español en el libro “Investigación y enseñanza en diseño y música” Vol. III, de la Colección de libros de investigación Convergências, Ediciones IPCB.

The challenge to design education conditions for the approach to compexity: A reflection from an exploratory study.

Manuela Maia



Analysis of sociocultural trends & visual project management:
A proposal of a Conceptual model for the Fashion Lab – Coletivo Criativo/Brazil

Sandra Regina Rech & Alessandro Mateus Felippe



The Brasilian Fashion: an ephemerality?

Deoclys Bezerra & Maria Sílvia Barros de Held



The creator, creation and identification of the image

Maria Sílvia Barros de Held & Carlos Alberto de Assunção Alho



#MarieAntoinette – Past experiences dressed in the present

Maria Costa & Rafaela Norogrando



Inclusive design in the context of clothing development for seniors

Mariana Rêgo, Demétrio Matos & Diogo Frias Riobom



Surface Design: Woodcut as a tool for environmental awareness

Márcia Qualio Baptista Santos & Maria Sílvia Barros Held



Branding tools as an important resource for fashion brands during the Sars Covid 19 pandemic

Gisele Nepomuceno, Catarina Moura & Fernando Oliveira



The Song: A Pedagogical Proposal in Cello Teaching-Learning

Filipa Maria Castilho & Clarissa Foletto



New challenges in the musical education of future teachers

Yurima Blanco García & Alicia Peñalba



Sights of Rhythmic Reading: Teaching-Learning Strategies

Ana Pinto & Luísa Correia Castilho



The contribution of Ensemble DME to the dynamism of the contemporary music scene

Maria Inês Pires



Mapping the history and anthropology of music in the city of Cáceres for didactic,
touristic and museological applications

Martín Gómez-Ullate, Manuel Rodríguez Palacios, Ana Mendoza Hurtado, Javier Barra Sanz & Pilar Barrios Manzano



Digital manufacturing of customized products to support musical instrument learning

Rute Oliveira, Davys Moreno, Daniel Afonso & Violeta Clemente



Cesare Sighinolfi, an Italian Sculptor in Portugal

Ana Gaspar



From sculpture to jewelry : analogies of artistic practices

Ana Mena